
Containerized solution to Africa

ATEX container solution for natural gas analysis instruments

Process analyze for VKG Energia

Process analyze for VKG Soojus

Process analyze for VKG Oil

Preparation and follow through of purchase procedure of water treatment solution of 640m3/h for Afipinski refinery

Peak boilerhouse heat balance and thermal design for Saku Maja

Thermal design of District Cooling system for Utilitas Tallinn

District cooling stations piping design of DN500; DN400 and DN200

Thermal design of piping for flue gas scruber for Utilitas Tallinn

Connecting flue gas scruber to DN500 district heating network

Thermal design of biomass boilerhouse for Elveso

Vinni biogas boilerhouse

Heat balance of boilerhouse and thermal design

Oisu biogas boilerhouse

Delivery of the containerized boilerhouse 1600kW; 40’’

Management of purchase procedure of VKG Energia water treatment up-grade project and optimization of the solution

Feasibility study of the VKG Energia 40MW back pressure turbine and management of pre-procurement